Veteran Arab Journalist Khaled AlMaeena and Talking Point

Veteran Arab Journalist Khaled AlMaeena and Talking Point

Syed Shah Salim Ahmed: Khaled Almaeena, a veteran journalist, writer, researcher and human rights activist born in 1954, is one of the most famous journalists, radio and TV commentators, business professionals, liberals, moderate guides and media icons in the Arab world. On the one hand, Khaled al-Main

ai has the rare honour of being the editor-in-chief of world-renowned newspapers such as Arab Times and Saudi Gazette including radio, television anchor. In addition to the late Prince Salman, the former governor of Riyadh and today’s young Prince Salman and King Salman are revered as very close. Khaled Al-Amaeeni was one of the masterminds of Russia’s diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia in 1990.
In recognition of Khaled Al-Amaeena’s work, the Pakistani government awarded him the highest state title of“Sitar-e-Pakistan”
in 2008.

Khaled Al Maeeni was studied in Britain and Pakistan, including the United States.
Former guardian columnist Syed Neaz Ahmed, the anchor of NTV’s Talking Point, recently brought Khaled Almaeena to his show during his stay in Europe, taking advantage of the digital platform. There, Khaled Al Maeena has very openly presented some excellent information on the political, diplomatic, social and Muslim philosophy of Arab Europe, West and South Asia, the position of Arab women, etc., which is not usually covered in any other discussion. Khaled Almaeena critically analysed the persecution and killing of Muslims by Indians.
Talking about the fall in oil prices in Saudi Arabia during the Pandemic Coronavirus, Khaled Al Maeena said, “Not only the oil market but also the service industry in Saudi Arabia has been affected at this time, like as around the world.
Regarding Hajj and Umrah, Khaled Al Maeena said, “I don’t know any official information yet, but this time the Hajj will be affected by the pandemic of the coronavirus and it seems that very few people will get the chance to perform Hajj. Hajj may not be cancelled, it may be limited.( Please note just after his comments Saudi Government announces that Hajj will be performing this year with very limited, only in Saudi nationals can perform the hajj this year),” But he said he did not know what the Saudi government, the ulema, would say. The Hajj Ministry may not take any decision now or tomorrow without evaluating all the measures under the influence of Pandemic.
Khaled al-Maeena, however, said that the tourism industry has been affected in his own country as well as in other parts of the Muslim world, including other parts of the world. At the same time, Khaled praised the education of young Arabs and their progress. He called on the youth of the Muslim world to work for harmony in the world and for all equally through harmony and compassion, embracing the optimistic and firm Muslim faith. Regarding the media, he said that in today’s age, there is a lot of fake news in the media like pay inequality. But he is optimistic that media, online, blogs will improve further and improve through credible sources etc.

He sees the Tabligh Jamaat of India spreading the corona virus as a ploy to blame Muslims for the pandemic by unnecessarily promoting a small issue of the Tabligh Jamaat to tarnish the image of Islam.
In a recent article, Khaled wrote in favour of illegal immigrants in the Arab world, advocating for de-deportation and regularization of the registrar system (including fingerprints) so that 200-300 thousand workers can be repatriated or re-employed, to take, called for creating opportunities to take them.