Dead Woman Walking, Osborne and Leaked 2015 Sensitive documents

Dead Woman Walking, Osborne and Leaked 2015 Sensitive documents

Syed Shah Salim Ahmed ::


Many people were surprised when Theresa May announced a snap election 50/60 days ago. But in public opinion, Theresa was the most popular leader in the history of Britain and the Prime Minister. The undisputed result of its popularity is that as Blair’s -Labour leader said in a TV interview, publicly that Theresa May would be the Prime Minister. At the same time, Jeremy Corbyn was at the bottom of the popularity due to not having a clear role in the party’s factional agitation and the Brexit issue which was not addressed clearly. But with the few promising programs in the election manifesto, it will reduce the gap. Theresa May make a serious mistake in the issue of social care policy. The reason that the policymakers’ necklace was due to the media – the main critic’s pot became the leader Theresa Because she would have to take criticism, as a leader.

Although She did not get the number of votes in the election, she emerged as the leader of the largest party. On the contrary, Corbyn also behind the similarity of LibDem, SNP and others, and he remains the majority evidence. Because, for the majority, need 326 seats. In that case, labour gets 261 seats.

Theresa Maidenhead, in her winner speech on election night, explains that she is going to form a government. In the realisation of the Acetipulale, Theresa said that her party is going to get a majority of the seats and most of the votes.

Actually, in the morning of the next day, she officially announced the formation of this coalition government with DUP – with the approval of the Queen.

Some MPs of the Tory team at Preston and Andrew Marr were seen at the same time, and especially George Osborn – who was the Chancellor of the Tory team, and widely discussed and controversial as the protagonist of the cut policy, he went on to criticize that the Democratic Party Coalition on Television Theresa referred to as Dead Woman Walking repeatedly. In the news sheet whose headline comes later,

How long is the coalition, whether it will be coalition at all, or how successful it will be, it’s a million-dollar question. David and Nick Clegg Coalition are many in the beginning and most of the time – everyone inside and outside the party predicted that the cage will not be valid for more than three months. David and Nick Clegg completed the first five years. Mandela-de-Clark’s government also had the same situation. He had worked with Mandela’s government for the ultimate viciousness and the eternal warrior. The government had fulfilled the five years of the consensus of Hasina-Rob (even in the worst case for a single seat even in truth).

But when George Osborn says Dead-Woman Walking, then the image of celluloid will take Osborne back to 2015. Today, DWP is saying that we are talking about Dead Warfare for the Teaser’s Pact, that was the secret agreement drafted by George Osborn and David Cameron. The Telegraph has opened it. Those who walked in the streets of politics, knew beforehand that there is no magic in the hands of Theresa, that within just less than 46 minutes, the DUP will ensure that the government is formed. In 2015, David and Osborn thought that because of the opinion poll, they will not get a majority in the election. The Labour party will come to power. That is why he and David drafted the secret agreement with DUP on that day, due to which Draft and Sensitive government office, Theresa contacted Foster based on that draft. And today’s coalition is based on the 2015 Cameron-Osborne draft and is being built in the reality.

Politics has many ups and downs. There are words of speech. Many political leaders have not hidden the words of the statement explained. Dead Women Walking- George Osborne never says that 2015 of the draft, did not say how that was Because a lot of political leaders used the metaphor in a manner that was himself, staff.

Therese is very enthusiastic and well-known Leader. There may have many errors in herself. But there is no such thing that everything will be good for her. But always, some bad things are involved in good things. that’s because, so far as she is the leader of the Tory party, options are too long or Do not appear to be (the sole leader of the seat) until Theresa go ahead with her government. Especially since the 1922 meeting of the Committee, the statement has come very strongly. Even then, in the language of late politician Malek Ukil, there is nothing to say about politics.



(Writer: Secretary General-London Reporters Unity)