লন্ডনে চীনের প্রেসিডেন্টের রাষ্ট্রীয় সফর (ছবিতে -০২)

লন্ডনে চীনের প্রেসিডেন্টের রাষ্ট্রীয় সফর (ছবিতে -০২)


আজকে বেশীর ভাগ অনুষ্ঠানে প্রেসিডেন্টের সঙ্গী ছিলেন রয়াল কাপল- ছবিতে দেখুন


The president, centre, appeared relaxed as he spoke to the Duke of Cambridge outside the creative industry showcase in London


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Chinese dignitaries attended a light-hearted presentation as part of the reception


বাসও চড়লেন প্রেসিডেন্ট

President Xi steps off a prototype of a new generation of London buses, which are being built in partnership with a Chinese company


Chinese president Xi Jinping, far right, walks past a toy exhibition at the creative showcase at Lancaster House in London today


The duchess outside Lancaster House


Madame Peng, a well-known singer in China, applauds after watching actors performing at the event at Lancaster House


She looked elegant at today's event


The Duchess of Cambridge and Mr Xi were photographed at a BAFTA presentation at the event at Lancaster House


As part of the showcase, the group viewed a prototype for a new London bus, which will be built in partnership with a Chinese firm


The visitors were introduced to a character from Kung Fu Panda 3, the first feature film to be produced by film studio Oriental Dreamworks. The company was co-founded by China Media Capital, which has announced a joint venture with Britain's Merlin Entertainment


The group viewed a number of TV props from some of Britain's top TV shows, including a Tardis, left, and Dalek, centre, from Doctor Who


Anna-Louise Knight, who plays Matilda in the West End musical, gave a performance of the show for the Chinese president's visit today 


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with the President Xi and Madame Peng Liyuan watch a performance of Matilda as they visit a creative industry event at Lancaster House


দ্বিপাক্ষিক বৈঠক-

David Cameron with President Xi, far right, and members of his Cabinet including, from left, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, Home Secretary Theresa May, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Energy Secretary Amber Rudd and British ambassador to China Barbara Woodward


ডাউনিং ষ্ট্রীটে রেড কার্পেট-

After attending the creative reception, Chinese president Xi Jinping joined the Prime Minister for a working lunch at Downing Street


Mr Cameron and Mr Xi outside No.10


Kung fu star Jackie Chan, pictured in white, meets president Xi, right, and the Duchess of Cambridge at the event at Lancaster House


Lord Mayor Alderman Alan Yarrow and Lady Mayoress Gilly Yarrow greet the Duke of York ahead of this evening's banquet with the Chinese president and his wife



Lady Mayoress Gilly Yarrow (left) greets Peng Liyuan (centre), the wife of China's president, before a banquet at the Guildhall in London


লর্ড মেয়রেস সহ

Lady Mayoress Gilly Yarrow greets the Chinese president, who is followed by his wife, on the second day of his state visit to the UK


লর্ড মেয়র সহ-

From left to right, Lady Mayoress Gilly Yarrow, First Lady Peng Liyuan, the Duke of York, China's president Xi Jinping and the Lord Mayor Alderman Alan Yarrow pose for pictures as they arrive at a banquet at Guildhall in London this evening



Chinese president Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, were greeted by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Lancaster House


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