The beauty of nature: Subhe Sadiq in London(video)
Subhe sadiq in london photo salim

The beauty of nature: Subhe Sadiq in London(video)

Photo been taken couple a weeks before(just before start Ramadan), it was really rainy winter very early in the morning, rain was stop for a while just after fajar prayer, sky was glittering beautifully ,

Beuty of nature in the subhe sadiq time in london


Subhe sadiq in london photo salim

Subhe sadiq still going on in the london sky. Sky was shining beautifully, its really amazing, you just reciting quran or tasbeh to glorify the Allah, the creator, the masters of the Master of entire universe, the one and only “Allah” creating His sky beutifully with magnificent multi coloured, subhanaAllah.


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